Introducing our Training & Adventure Programs

How to Enroll

We have four Rotations through the year, similar to schooling terms. We open the books for one Rotation at a time to avoid booking up too far in advance and to re-enroll clients as they are promoted through the Ranks.

To enroll for Intel, you can book an Assessment.
To enroll for Recon, you can book a Meet & Greet

How does it work?

As dogs enrolled in our Intel program improve their behaviour and learning, they will have the opportunity to be promoted to the next Rank during the last week of Rotation (term) Dogs currently enrolled have been assigned a Rank based off their behaviour from their previous session. Future dogs will be assigned a Rank during their Assessment.

All dogs enrolled will recieve a certificate and a gold star when they are promoted. These stars can be attached to the dog’s collar or harness or be kept on the certificates for safekeeping. When a dog is promoted to the highest Rank of General, they will recieve a certificate where all 5 stars can be displayed and have completed the program!

2024 Rotation Dates

R1: 23rd January - 13th April
R2: 23rd April - 6th July
R3: 23rd July - 28th September
R4: 15th October - 21st December